Jxl Download

Active3 years, 3 months ago

A: JExcelAPI's jexcelapi home directory contains a jxl.jar file that contains demos for reading, writing, and copying spreadsheets. The read demo reads an existing spreadsheet, converting it to comma-separated value (CSV) or XML format via the -csv or -xml command-line option. Free download Elvis – A little less conversation Mp3. We have about 49 mp3 files ready to play and download. To start this download Lagu you need to click on [Download] Button. Remember that by downloading this song you accept our terms and conditions. Jxls is a small Java library to make generation of Excel reports easy. Jxls uses a special markup in Excel templates to define output formatting and data layout. Excel generation is required in many Java applications that have some kind of reporting functionality. Jxl is a super project containing many interrelated projects. Some are libraries some are applications. The general focus of the jxl project is to make using java easier.

Download JAR files for jxl-2.6.10 With dependencies Documentation Source code All Downloads are FREE. Search and download functionalities are using the official Maven repository.

I'm trying to create a new Excel file using jxl, but am having a hard time finding examples in their API documentation and online.

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5 Answers

After messing around awhile longer I finally found something that worked and saw there still wasn't a solution posted here yet, so here's what I found:

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Jxl File Download

I know that it's a very old question. However, I think I can contribute with an example that also adds the cell values:

Almir CamposAlmir Campos

First of all you need to put Jxl Api into your java directory , download JXL api from http://www.andykhan.com/ extract it,copy jxl and paste like C:Program FilesJavajre7libext.

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Zaheer AstoriZaheer Astori

Not sure if you need to stick with JXL, but the best library for handling Excel files is Apache's POI HSSF.

I think there are plenty of examples on the website I provided, but if you need further assistence, let me know. I may have a few examples laying around.

Just out of curiosity, POI stands for Poor Obfuscation Interface and HSSF is Horrible SpreadSheet Format. You see how much Apache loves Microsoft Office formats :-)

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14.2k4 gold badges34 silver badges63 bronze badges
Kavos KhajaviKavos Khajavi

Jxl Jar

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Active3 years, 11 months ago

Which of the 2 APIs is simpler to read/write/edit excel sheets ?Do these APIs not support CSV extensions ?

Using JXL for file.xls and file.xlsx, I get an exception like:

Both for .xls and .xlsx extensions.Java Version I am using is : JDK1.6

Rubens Mariuzzo
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2,4555 gold badges25 silver badges38 bronze badges

closed as primarily opinion-based by Qix, 5gon12eder, Shankar Damodaran, greg-449, T JDec 6 '14 at 10:54

Many good questions generate some degree of opinion based on expert experience, but answers to this question will tend to be almost entirely based on opinions, rather than facts, references, or specific expertise. If this question can be reworded to fit the rules in the help center, please edit the question.

4 Answers

I have used both JXL (now 'JExcel') and Apache POI. At first I used JXL, but now I use Apache POI.

First, here are the things where both APIs have the same end functionality:

  • Both are free
  • Cell styling: alignment, backgrounds (colors and patterns), borders(types and colors), font support (font names, colors, size, bold,italic, strikeout, underline)
  • Formulas
  • Hyperlinks
  • Merged cell regions
  • Size of rows and columns
  • Data formatting: Numbers and Dates
  • Text wrapping within cells
  • Freeze Panes
  • Header/Footer support
  • Read/Write existing and new spreadsheets
  • Both attempt to keep existing objects in spreadsheets they read in intact as far as possible.

However, there are many differences:

  • Perhaps the most significant difference is that Java JXL does not support the Excel 2007+ '.xlsx' format; it only supports the old BIFF (binary) '.xls' format. Apache POI supports both with a common design.
  • Additionally, the Java portion of the JXL API was last updated in 2009 (3 years, 4 months ago as I write this), although it looks like there is a C# API. Apache POI is actively maintained.
  • JXL doesn't support Conditional Formatting, Apache POI does, although this is not that significant, because you can conditionally format cells with your own code.
  • JXL doesn't support richtext formatting, i.e. different formatting within a text string; Apache POI does support it.
  • JXL only supports certain text rotations: horizontal/vertical, +/- 45 degrees, and stacked; Apache POI supports any integer number of degrees plus stacked.
  • JXL doesn't support drawing shapes; Apache POI does.
  • JXL supports most Page Setup settings such as Landscape/Portrait, Margins, Paper size, and Zoom. Apache POI supports all of that plus Repeating Rows and Columns.
  • JXL doesn't support Split Panes; Apache POI does.
  • JXL doesn't support Chart creation or manipulation; that support isn't there yet in Apache POI, but an API is slowly starting to form.
  • Apache POI has a more extensive set of documentation and examples available than JXL.

Additionally, POI contains not just the main 'usermodel' API, but also an event-based API if all you want to do is read the spreadsheet content.

In conclusion, because of the better documentation, more features, active development, and Excel 2007+ format support, I use Apache POI.

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I have used POI.

Download Jxl Jar File

If you use that, keep on eye those cell formatters: create one and use it several times instead of creating each time for cell, it isa huge memory consumption difference or large data.


Jx Download

I am not familiar with JXL and but we use POI. POI is well maintained and can handle both the binary .xls format and the new xml based format that was introduced in Office 2007.

CSV files are not excel files, they are text based files, so these libraries don't read them. You will need to parse out a CSV file yourself. I am not aware of any CSV file libraries, but I haven't looked either.


For reading 'plain' CSV files in Java, there is a library called OpenCSV, available here: http://opencsv.sourceforge.net/

Jerry OberleJerry Oberle

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