Then enter I-LOVE-THE-SIMS in the ‘Product Code’ field. Log into Origin and download and play the game any time you want. Thanks for being a passionate The Sims fan, and enjoy your copy of The Sims 2 Ultimate Collection. ****Links to make MONEY from HOME:**** EARN MONEY FOR WALKING: EARN EXTRA MONEY DAILY: The sims 2 expansions free download - The Sims 2 University Update, The Sims 2 Update, The Sims 2 Nightlife, and many more programs. The sims 2 expansions free download - The Sims 2 University Update, The Sims 2 Update, The Sims 2 Nightlife, and many more programs.
'The Sims' is an extremely popular video game series with numerous expansion packs and 'stuff' packs. These expansions provided extra features for the originally released versions of the game.
When possible, you should install the expansion packs in order. Each expansion pack builds on the previous pack and includes patches for previous expansions. Installing these in the order of release limits conflicts and possible errors that could be created. For example, a newer pack may contain updates to a previous expansion release, but if that release is not installed at the time, then those updates will not be implemented. Subsequent installation of the older expansion would then install an out-of-date version of the feature or function that was updated in the later expansion.
'The Sims 2' Expansion Packs
There were eight expansion packs released for 'The Sims 2,' and they were published in this order:
In addition, the following ten stuff packs were released:
'The Sims 3' Expansion Packs

Sims 2 Expansions Download
'The Sims 3' had 11 expansion packs that were published in this order:
Sims 2 Complete Collection Download
There are also nine stuff packs that were released for 'The Sims 3.' These stuff packs, in order of release, are: