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This is a web app that lets you open your Starbound directory and viewthe worlds etc. within.
Jan 07, 2014 This Mod adds Dragon Dildos + Other dildos to Starbound.Yes.that's right Dildos. Vuxxy and Gibbly.we finally know what those dragons in WoW were used for. Install Guide for Starbound Mods. Rather than install a mod by overwriting assets you can take advantage of an incredibly simple mod loader that is already built into the game. Starbound mods! FU adds new biomes, expands Starbound’s crafting system, adds science, microdungeons, custom crew members, armors, weapons, new monsters, tiles and hundreds of other assets to the game. Page 5 of 27 - Full Nude Starbound Textures with Physics and Tails - posted in File topics: I envy you the ability to speak this good to haters lonefox! I have read a lot of the responses you posted and I'm impressed! If you would been a character in skyrim I bet you would had 100 in speech. Sorry this is a bit out of the blue and of topic, but I felt like you had to know.
This project is under an MIT license.
Trying it out
The easiest way to try it out is to go tothe demo page.
Installing the Chrome app
For now, you'll have to follow the steps below to run this Chrome app.In the future it will be available on the Chrome Web Store (for free,of course!)
Setting up for development
First of all, you'll need to have some things installed:
- Chrome 32 or later
- Node.js (for NPM)
If you have all of the above, start by cloning this repository. Thenrun this in the cloned directory:
Web viewer
If you want to try the simple web viewer, you just need to serve thecurrent directory somehow. One easy way to do so is to use the serve
Now you can open http://localhost:3000/web.html in your browser.

Chrome app
To actually run this Chrome app, you need to add it to Chrome. Here'show:
- In Chrome, navigate to
(or go to Settings andclick Extensions) - Ensure that Developer mode is checked
- Click Load unpacked extension...
- Select the directory that you cloned the source code to
- The app should appear in the list
To launch the app, you can click the Launch link on the Extensionspage, or you can launch it through any of the normal means of launchinga Chrome app.
This project has a number of dependencies that you may want to have alook at, as they hold most of the logic for parsing Starbound files andrendering worlds.

Tips & tricks
To avoid having to write that long path to run gulp, you caninstall gulp globally:
Now you only need to run this to run gulp:
If you want gulp to automatically build whenever you change a file, runthis instead of gulp
Minecraft Mods
It will now watch for changes to any of the source files.
This project is written to be run completely in a browser. Here's sometechnologically interesting things that this project does/has:
- Rendering big 2D worlds segmented onto tiles of canvases
- Reading parts of huge binary files (hundreds of MBs) on user's disk
- Parallelising work in multiple Web Workers
- Applying image operations such as hue shifting on the fly
- CommonJS
and ECMAScript 6 (Harmony) code using Browserify - Bundling code as a Chrome app to improve experience
While it's amazing that browsers can support the things that this aredone in this project, there were some snags (which will hopefully beresolved some time in the future):
- Chrome is 50x slower than Firefox at some things
- Firefox doesn't allow opening or drag/dropping directories
- Chrome doesn't support
image-rendering: pixelated
In the future, these technologies may also be used in this project:
- Retrieving real-time changes to the world through Web Sockets
- Using a fragment shader in WebGL to render tiles much faster
- Running a Lua VM in a Web Worker
- Running a TCP server that interacts with the game (Chrome app)