Wow Ptr Install

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Updated: 1 month ago Article ID: 32512
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Sorry, you haven’t been invited to play this game yet.
Error Codes: BLZBNTBNA000000C8
Your account does not have the required account to play this content.
If you're trying to sign into a PTR, make sure you've followed the steps on our Public Test Realm article. The PTR may also be disabled in certain regions, such as China.
If you're receiving this error when logging into a beta, you may not have been selected to participate in the beta. Participants for beta tests are randomly selected from the pool of eligible testers who have signed up. Signing up does not guarantee your participation in a beta test.
If you received an official email inviting you to a beta test, try resetting your password to refresh your account status.
I went to this website, hoping that it would solve my problem downloading the WoW ptr but nope, I have an active account and live in the USA where it is able to be downloaded (I hope) so I do not know why it keeps giving me this error.
Hey Corruptionz,
To be able to download the PTR you need to first create a PTR account on your account. To do this just follow the below instructions and that should get you fixed up.
Log in to Account Management.
Select a World of Warcraft retail account.
Select Additional Services, then click Public Test Realm.
Click History/Status to create your PTR account.
Once you click on History/Status it will create your account and then you should be golden.
Hey Corruptionz,
To be able to download the PTR you need to first create a PTR account on your account. To do this just follow the below instructions and that should get you fixed up.
Log in to [url=''] Account Management[/url].
Select a World of Warcraft retail account.
Select Additional Services, then click Public Test Realm.
Click History/Status to create your PTR account.
Once you click on History/Status it will create your account and then you should be golden.

I did this, and i still get the problem.. any help please???
I'm experiencing the same thing and I also created a PTR account
Where is the History/Status thingy in the first place? Can't find it!
dont see any History/status either ...

Patch 2.3.0 is currently in development and now available for testing on the PTR. To learn about major changes included in 2.3.0, please see the official PTR patch notes.For information on how to participate, copy over characters, and provide feedback, read on below! Upload failed. Please upload a file larger than 100x100 pixels; We are experiencing some problems, please try again. You can only upload files of type PNG, JPG, or JPEG. Jun 25, 2013  Well, that's the way it works for me.:D Feel free to like, subscribe, and leave a comment! World of Warcraft. You need to use the in-game character copy feature to copy a character from your main World of Warcraft account to the PTR. To do so: Log in to the World of Warcraft PTR. Click Copy Character on the character select screen. Click Copy Account Data to transfer your live account settings to the PTR. Select a character and click Copy.

Glad to see I'm not the only one having this issue. I have followed the first 3 steps successfully (log in, select active account, choose PTR), but have not been able to locate the History/Status tab after that. When I go back to the 'Summary' tab of account management I do see the following listed under 'Your Game Accounts - World of Warcraft'...
World of Warcraft®
Public Test Realm (PTR)

...with a link to 'Download Game Client' available on screen after I click the PTR box. This link takes me to '' (Download Clients) where there are options for 'Game Installer', 'PTR', and 'Beginner's Guide' listed for Windows and Mac. I click the link for Windows since that is the OS I use, and receive a pop-up saying 'What do you want to do with World-Of-Warcraft-Public-Test-Setup.exe (3.7MB)?', the options being 'Run', 'Save', or 'Cancel'. I have tried a dozen times now over the span of a day (thinking perhaps it required time to process), choosing both the 'Run' and 'Save' options. A load bar appears briefly before I am prompted with 'Do you want to allow this app to make changes to your device?' Choosing 'Yes' opens another box, this one saying 'Starting' followed by 'Downloading New Files', then 'Updating Blizzard Agent'. Upon completion it loads the launcher but gives the error message others have reported, 'Sorry, you haven't been invited to play this game yet' with the link 'More help: BLZBNTBNA000000C8'
I have tried everything I can think of other than an uninstall/reinstall of WoW, which I won't do, so if there's anything I am missing or a step I'm doing wrong, please let me know! Otherwise I will assume the PTR is closed/broken and go back to levelling my live toons. Thanks for your time, I know it's a lot of information, but I wanted to be as thorough as possible.
Also having this problem. PTR account is present in my acct manager, I downloaded the installer, but whenever I try running it, I get the same error messages as OP.
also having same problem
EDIT: I found a solution that worked for me in this thread on the EU forums:
What worked for me:
1. log out of app
2. on the login prompt, select a different region from the drop down menu, next to where it says 'Americas'
3. Log in. You should see PTR on the region/account drop down
4. Log out, and log back in to your original region.
5. Select PTR and Install it.
6. Should be good to go.
also having same problem
EDIT: I found a solution that worked for me in this thread on the EU forums:
What worked for me:
1. log out of app
2. on the login prompt, select a different region from the drop down menu, next to where it says 'Americas'
3. Log in. You should see PTR on the region/account drop down
4. Log out, and log back in to your original region.
5. Select PTR and Install it.
6. Should be good to go.

You deserve a beer my friend
also having same problem
EDIT: I found a solution that worked for me in this thread on the EU forums:
What worked for me:
1. log out of app
2. on the login prompt, select a different region from the drop down menu, next to where it says 'Americas'
3. Log in. You should see PTR on the region/account drop down
4. Log out, and log back in to your original region.
5. Select PTR and Install it.
6. Should be good to go.

This worked 100%. You need a trophy. Been pulling my hair out for 20 minutes, scrolling through endless threads, to no avail. Upvote the HELL outta this, because it seems so many have this same problem, and I have not seen one GM be able to answer it correctly.
also having same problem
EDIT: I found a solution that worked for me in this thread on the EU forums:
What worked for me:
1. log out of app
2. on the login prompt, select a different region from the drop down menu, next to where it says 'Americas'
3. Log in. You should see PTR on the region/account drop down
4. Log out, and log back in to your original region.
5. Select PTR and Install it.
6. Should be good to go.

Yeah I just had a GM say there not much I can do for you here go to this link where you might be able to find a solution uhhhhh I had to google my issue which led me here thank you so much man this solved my issue. True heroes don't wear capes lmao
English (US)
Americas & Southeast Asia
©2019 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
All trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.
Wow ptr not working
Perhaps a silly question: the PTR is installed as a separate 'instance' of World of Warcraft, right? In other words, if I use the 'World of Warcraft - Uninstall' command from the separate, PTR drop down menu in Windows, all I will uninstall is the PTR, yes?
I ask because when I begin that operation, it says:
Click 'Uninstall' if you are sure that you want to uninstall World of Warcraft.
Y/N -- Delete all files in the World of Warcraft folder.

It doesn't suggest that there is a difference between the PTR and the normal client, and I don't really feel like downloading and installing my entire normal WoW client all over again...
Edit: I get the same message when I try to uninstall it from the Windows Program Manager function.

Overwatch Ptr Install

Davert ,
If you aren't sure, just delete the game folder you have the PTR client in along with the desktop shortcut to it's launcher. Make sure you aren't deleting the folder with the retail client though.
Support Information Administrator
And that will effect a full uninstall for the PTR client? I thought that there were usually files dropped - here and there - into other system folders, that made the game work. I thought the function of uninstall programs was to help catch all those little sneakers.
Davert ,
No, that's it. Nothing is installed anywhere else. The registry entry just holds the install location. It won't hurt anything to leave it there.
Support Information Administrator
Thanks for the help!

Warcraft Ptr Download

English (US)
Americas & Southeast Asia
©2019 Blizzard Entertainment, Inc. All rights reserved.
All trademarks referenced herein are the properties of their respective owners.

Wow Ptr Install Google
