Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Download

Star trek starfleet command orion pirates in game description Star Trek: Starfleet Command Gold Edition star trek: star fleet command is a real-time space combat game that allows the player to represent any one of six empires. FilePlanet is the ultimate online destination for Star Trek Starfleet Command Series: Starfleet Command 2: Orion Pirates Patches downloads. Our aim is to deliver gamers with fast and reliable downloads of the most extensive collection of gaming files on the net.

There's nothing that sounded more hardcore than a game based on the super-detailed tactical board game Starfleet Battles, even if it was going to be in full 3D. Still, there's nothing more more hardcore than a Star Trek fan, and lo and behold the first Starfleet Command game from Interplay did well enough to spawn a sequel, and now the new add-on pack Orion Pirates, debuting at this year's show.

This stand-alone add-on focuses on the Orion Pirates, which Taldren likes to think of more as eight mini-races, all taking place in the new 'X' era:

    Name: Orion
    Home: Federation
    Territory: Romulan
    Other operation zones: Klingon

    Name: Korgath
    Home: Klingon
    Territory: Hydran
    Other operation zones: Federation

    Name: Camboror
    Home: Mirak
    Territory: Lyran
    Other operation zones: Federation

    Name: Prime
    Home: Romulan
    Territory: Federation
    Other operation zones: ISC

    Name: Tiger Heart
    Home: Lyran
    Territory: Mirak
    Other operation zones: Klingon

    Name: Beast Raiders
    Home: Hydran
    Territory: Lyran
    Other operation zones: Klingon

    Name: Syndicate
    Home: Gorn
    Territory: ISC
    Other operation zones: Federation

    Name: Wyldefire
    Home: ISC
    Territory: Gorn

What this means in terms of gameplay is that each cartel will bring the primary weapons from the race where they reside, as well as other zones that the cartel occupies. That doesn't mean that you won't have access to new weapons and phaser types, however. Taldren has plans for you to foil your foes with shield piercing phasers, as well as heavy photons, guaranteed to shake up your enemy crew better than any shaky camera movement from the original TV series could.

There will be 12 missions, 26 skirmish missions, and three bonus missions in Orion Pirates, with the bonus missions based on the classic episode 'A Piece of the Action.' In the mission, it will be your job to return to lotia to execute a deal negotiated by the Enterprise. Unfortunately, you'll find that the Orions have been doing their own deal-making with the lotions, squeezing the inhabitants for money while trying to carve up that section of the galaxy for their own. Guess who's job it is to set things right?

As for Multiplayer, you can rest assured that the online play you enjoyed in SFC and SFC 2 is still accounted for in Orion Pirates, with one minor change. Orion Pirates, while multiplayer ready, won't interact with the other SFC games for a variety of reasons, not least of which are the time differences. While it's sad that players of SFC and SFC2 won't be able to play against gamers using the new add-on pack, it's pretty obvious that's Taldren's eye to detail isn't going to need vision correction anytime soon -- Orion Pirates looks to be a pretty full-featured addition to the Command universe, with or without interaction with the other SFC games. Get ready for more fun with pirates this fall.

-- Vincent Lopez

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Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates is an expansion pack for Star Trek: Starfleet Command 2 where instead of only being able to play the original empires like the Klingons and Romulans, now a new faction has been thrown in: the Orion Pirates. Contrary to their implied name, the Orion Pirates are actually eight different factions and have nothing to do with the Orions themselves. Although many find this hard to believe, each faction is totally independent from the others and the Orions, having unique philosophies and aspirations. Get ready to jump into the Star Trek universe yet again, selecting any of the eight new pirate factions as they fight for profit and survival, or choose an established power where resources are much less limited and expansion is a higher priority.

Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates is a real-time tactical simulator where you control a fleet of up to three starships in a 3D environment. You’ll feel the limitations like turning radius and recharge rate of ships this size, but also the raw power and advanced technology they can generate. If you enjoyed the first two installments of Starfleet Command, this is more of the same -- adding new weapons, ships, factions and over 40 new missions to conquer.

Gameplay, Controls, Interface

When starting a single player game, there are three options to choose: tutorial, skirmish, or campaign. If you are new to the Starfleet Command series, the tutorial should be your first choice. Starfleet Command has an extremely complex interface and it can take over two hours just to understand how it works. The tutorial, however, does an excellent job of introducing this difficult interface and explaining how to use it effectively. Don’t get discouraged if you find yourself getting pummeled the first few battles, as that’s generally expected. Believe it or not, once you become comfortable the gameplay is extremely balanced and that complex interface that drove you nuts the first few days now becomes a useful tool, adding great depth and a larger ability to use strategy.

Just what makes this interface so complex? Mainly it’s the amount of functionality crowded into the sidebar on the left side of the screen. There are so many functions crammed in that you can forget the ones not regularly used. For example, when you want to fire your weapons there are various options available. You can select to fire all your weapons, select specific weapons, group some together, overload certain weapons, and look at the firing arcs (most weapons can only fire forward, backward, etc.). There are more ways to cause damage to your opponent, however, as you can also drop mines, fire probes as weapons, target specific systems on an enemies ship, send marines over to capture or sabotage, and even use your tractor beam to ram an enemy into an asteroid. As you can see, there are many different features and abilities available, but do you need to know every minute function? The answer is definitely no. Just having a few easily executable techniques will be sufficient and new ones can always be added as you become more comfortable.

Now that you’ve been through the tutorial and have some concept of the interface, you’re ready to try the skirmish or campaign. The skirmish is one area that will keep your attention as it creates battles -- some famous, like Kirk vs. Khan, some from old televisions episodes, and some new. Each empire, including the pirate cartels, has a number of skirmishes presented. These battles are defaulted with certain parameters like the type of ships and preexisting damage that can often be changed to make the fight more interesting. Since this can be done quickly without playing multiple battles, it turns into a great option when you become tired of the campaign or just want a quick fight.

The main part of this game isn’t the skirmish, however; it’s the campaign. When you select campaign, you’ll be asked to pick a military power to represent. There are eight choices in addition to the ones available in Starfleet Command 2, as now the Orion pirate cartels can also be selected. Each power has a different interface, specific technology and unique insignia differentiating itself from the others. Although some of the campaigns are similar, they’re all worth playing as different technology has different strengths and weaknesses that keep the game interesting.

Once an empire has been selected, you’ll be shown a few screens describing that group while the game loads. The first thing you’ll see is the hexagon map; by selecting one of the hexagons adjacent to yours, you should be able to accept the first mission. There are some welcome new changes here that help keep the game flowing. For instance, in Starfleet Command 2 there were times when you’d move seven or eight times before being able to select a mission, dramatically slowing down gameplay. Now, however, every time you move you’ll have the opportunity to select at least one mission. In addition, there are many more non-plot missions to play where before there were only a handful of missions that quickly became tiresome.

Another relevant improvement happens when you’re waiting to gain experience points for buying larger ships. Instead of sitting on the small ship you started with (since your opponents were always equally yoked with the same ship), now the opponents you come up against can get tougher, requiring you to upgrade earlier than anticipated. New ships and weapons are also available across the board, that can change the balance and the way certain enemies are approached.

Unfortunately, there are some issues that either weren’t fixed or improved from the original. One major issue that seems to have gotten worse is load times. There are two specific areas where this causes problems. One is when you’re attempting to load a saved game and the other is when you move on the hexagon map. The first is an interesting issue, as it gets worse as the campaign gets the farther along. For some reason as the game progresses, loading a game can increase from a few seconds to over a minute. This is unacceptable as some missions may take a few tries to complete and the load time really bogs down the gameplay. The other problem didn’t exist in the previous version but is a real issue now. When moving around the map, it can take thirty to forty seconds to move to an adjacent hexagon. Why it takes this long is a mystery. While we’re talking about new problems, you can no longer change the screen dimensions from 800x600. The menu gives the ability, but when a different screen dimension is selected, nothing happens and you’re right back with 800x600.


After Starfleet Command 2’s most advertised feature failed to work, they finally got it right and released a working version of Dynaverse II. Dynaverse II is a tool that allows you to battle online as you gain experience points used to buy bigger and better starships. In addition, it creates missions and generates a smooth and solid interface with the net. It actually functions well and if you like online gaming, this should have lasting appeal.


Visually, Orion Pirates is impressive. With numerous camera angles and the ability to zoom in and out, it takes full advantage of the 3D environment giving great detail and accuracy. It gives a sense of size and power as these huge ships maneuver around each other and prepare for battle. In addition, ships show damage, leave debris trails when hit and have exceptional detail. Overall, not much is missing as the graphics help create and immerse you in the Star Trek universe.


Orion Pirates has accurate audio, with photon torpedoes and phaser fire sounding authentic. The soundtracks also add to the game as they are Star Trek-based and help by not being overbearing or obnoxious. Each empire and pirate cartel even has its own voices that help give it personality. Generally, the sound is solid, adding dimension to the game.

System Requirements


Pentium II 350, DirectX 7.0, 64 MB RAM, Direct3D-compatible video card w/ 4 MB RAM, 4X CD-ROM drive, and 550 MB free HD space.

Bottom Line

Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Download Music Games

Star Trek: Starfleet Command - Orion Pirates fills the role of expansion pack nicely. It has basically the same graphics engine and gameplay as the original, with some welcome additions like pirate cartels, new ships, and missions that fit requirements of most expansion packs. Unfortunately, it also has long load times and a few bugs that can make it difficult to play. Even with these issues, if you’re a fan of the Starfleet Command series you should enjoy this one too.

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Starfleet Command Orion Pirates Patch

Overall rating: 8